If you want to know about Indonesia or try learn Bahasa Indonesian ( Indonesian language ) please contact and come to Indonesian Embassy the address can u see in down..we waiting you in Indonesia..Indonesia is Good and exotic place in world
Islamic Republic State of AfghanistanAddress Interior Ministry Street, Shah-re-Naw, (PO. Box 532) Kabul,
Phone (93-20) 220-1066
Fax (93-20) 220-1735
Email kbrikabul@neda.af
Republic of Albania Address 5, Yozef Valdhard Str.
(53, Simenovsko Shosse Residence No. 4), 1700 Sofia, Republic of Bulgaria
Phone (359-2) 962-5240, 962-6170, 683-220
Fax (359-2) 962-4418, 962-5842
Email indosof@geobiz.net, kbrisof@geobiz.net
www.indonesia.bgPeople's Democratic Republic of AlgeriaAddress 41 Petite Provence Hydra BP. 62 El Moradia 16070 Alger, Algerie.
Phone (213-21) 694-915, 694-921
Fax (213-21) 694-910
Email kbrialger@lycos.com
Andorra (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to France and accredited to Andorra )Address 47-49 rue Cortambert, 75116 Paris, France
Phone (33-1) 4503-0760
Fax (33-1) 4504-5032, 4072-7063
Email komparis@online.fr
www.amb-indonesie.frRepublic of Angola (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Namibia and accredited to Angola )Address 103, Nelson Mandela Avenue, Windhoek, Namibia (P.O.BOX
20691 Whk)
Phone (264-61) 285-1000
Fax (264-61) 285-1231
Email kbriwindhoek@afro-indonesia.org
www.indonesiawindhoek.orgArgentine RepublicAddress Mariscal Ramon Castila 2901, 1425 - Capital Federal Buenos
Aires, Argentina
Phone (54-11) 4807-2211, 4807-2956
Fax (54-11) 4802-4448
Email emindo@tournet.com.ar
www.indonesianembassy.org.arRepublic of ArmeniaAddress 37G, Israelyan str, Yerevan 375015, Republic of Armenia
Phone (37-410) 528825, 565669
Fax (37-410) 566230
Email info@riconsulate.am
EmbassyAddress 8, Darwin Avenue, Yarralumla A.C.T. 2600, Canberra, Australia
Phone (61-2) 6250-8600
Fax (61-2) 6273-6017, 6273-3545
Email indonemb@kbri-canberra.org.au
www.kbri-canberra.org.auConsulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in MelbourneAddress 72 Queens Road, Melbourne 3004, Victoria, Australia
Phone (61-3) 9525-2755
Fax (61-3) 9525-1588
Email kjri@kjri-melbourne.org
www.kjri-melbourne.orgConsulate of the Republic of Indonesia in PerthAddress 134 Adelaide Terrace (P.O.BOX 6683 East Perth), WA 6004, Australia Phone (61-8) 9221-5858
Fax (61-8) 9221-5688
Email ri@iinet.net.au
www.kri-perth.org.auConsulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in SydneyAddress 236-238 Maroubra Road, Maroubra, Sydney NSW 203, Australia
Phone (61-2) 934-49933
Fax (61-2) 934-96854
Email protocol@indonsyd.org.au
www.indonsyd.org.auConsulate of the Republic of Indonesia in DarwinAddress 20, Harry Chan Avenue, Northern Territory 0801 Darwin,
Phone (61-8) 8943 0200
Fax (61-8) 894-12709
Email kridrw@indoconsdarwin.org.au
www.kri-darwin.orgIndonesian Honorary Consulate in AdelaideAddress TCN The Communication Network.
1st Floor, 28 Green Hill Road, Way Ville, SA 5034 (GPO Box 2210 Adelaide
SA 5001), Australia
Phone (61-8) 8357-8955
Fax (61-8) 8373-3342
Indonesian Honorary Consulate in BrisbaneAddress Level 20, Riverside Centre, 123 Eagle Street, Brisbane QLD
4001, Australia (P.O.BOX 407)
Phone (61-7) 3309-0888
Fax (61-7) 3309-0999
Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Austria and Indonesian Permanent Mission to UNIDO, IAEA, UNOV, CTBTOAddress Gustav Tschermakgasse 5-7, A-1180, Wien, Austria
Phone (43-1) 47-623
Fax (43-1) 479-0557
Email info@kbriwina.at
www.kbriwina.atIndonesian Honorary Consulate General in SalzburgAddress Alte Bundesstrase-10, A-5071 Salzburg-Walls, Austria
Phone (43-662) 855-538, 858-2100
Republik Azerbaijan (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Iran and accredited to Azerbaijan )Address 210, Ghaemmagham Farahani Ave. (P.O.BOX 11365/456), Tehran,
Phone (98-21) 871-7251
Fax (98-21) 871-8822
Email kbritehran@parsonline.net
www.indonesian-embassy.irBahama (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Cuba and accredited to the Commonwealth Bahamas )Address 5ta Avenida # 1607 Miramar, La Habana, Cuba
Phone (53-7) 204-9963, 204-9618, 204-0046
Fax (53-7) 204-9617
Email indonhav@ceniai.inf.cu
www.indohav.cuHonorary Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia in NassauAddress #4 Cater Street, Oakes Field, Nassau, N.P. Bahamas
Phone (242) 322-3759
Fax (242) 322-3759
Email alegria@batelnet.bs
Bahrain (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Kuwait and accredited to Bahrain )Address Kaifan Block 6, Al Andalus Street House No. 29, PO Box
21560, 13076 Safat, Kuwait
Phone (965) 483-9927, 483-9953
Fax (965) 481-9250
Email unitkom@kbrikuwait.org
www.kbrikuwait.orgPeople's Republic of Bangladesh EmbassyAddress Road No. 53, Plot No. 14 Gulshan - 2, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
Phone (880-2) 988-1640 to 41, 881-2260
Fax (880-2) 881-0993, 882-5391
Email indhaka@bangla.net
www.jakarta-dhaka.comIndonesian Honorary Consulate in ChittagongAddress A.K. Khan & Company Limited.
Batali Hills, Chittagong (GPO Box 223), Bangladesh
Phone (88-31) 613-953, 611-050, 611-052
Fax (88-31) 610-596
Republic of Belarussia (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to the Federation of Russia and accredited to Belarus )Address Novokuznetskaya Ulitsa No. 12, Moscow, Russian Federation
Phone (7-95) 951-9549 to 51
Fax (7-95) 230-6431
Email kbrimos@online.ru
EmbassyAddress Avenue de Tervueren 294, 1150 Brussels, Belgium
Phone (32-2) 771-2014, 771-1778, 771-2666, 771-3347
Fax (32-2) 771-2291, 772-6350
Email kbribxl@brutele.be
homeusers.brutele.be/kbribxl/Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to the European CommunitiesAddress Boulevard de la Woluwe 38, Brussels B-1200, Belgium
Phone (32-2) 779-0915
Fax (32-2) 772-8210
Email info@indonesianmission-eu.org
www.indonesianmission-eu.orgIndonesian Honorary Consulate General in AntwerpenAddress Bloemenlei 5, Kappelen, Antwerpen 2950, Belgium
Phone (32-3) 605-6077
Fax (32-3) 605-6039
Indonesian Honorary Consulate in CharleroiAddress Av. Paul Pastur 145, 6001 Charleroi, Belgium
Phone (32-71) 448-428
Fax (32-71) 369-367
Republic of Benin (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Nigeria and accredited to Benin ) Address 5B, Anifowoshe Street, Victoria Island, P.O. BOX
3473, Lagos, Nigeria
Phone (234-1) 261-4601, 261-3405
Fax (234-1) 261-3301, 261-3963
Email kbri_lagos@yahoo.co.id
Republic of Bolivia (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Peru and accredited to Bolivia )Address Avenida Las Flores 334-336 San Isidro, Lima 27, Peru
Phone (511) 222-0308, 222-0309, 222-2822
Fax (511) 222-2684
Email kbrilima@terra.com.pe
www.indonesia-peru.org.peBosnia and Herzegovina (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Hungary and accredited to Bosnia Herzegovina )Address Varosligeti fasor 26, 1068 Budapest, Hungary
Phone (36-1) 413-3800 to 01
Fax (36-1) 322-8669
Email kbri@indonesia.hu
www.indonesia.huFederative Republic of Brazil EmbassyAddress SES Avenida Das Nacoes Quadra 805, Lote. 20 CEP-70479-900
Brasilia-DF, Brazil
Phone (55-61) 3443-8800, 3443-1788, 3244-7069, 3244-7614
Fax (55-61) 3443-6732
Email kbribrasilia@persocom.com.br
www.indonesia-brasil.org.brIndonesian Honorary Consulate General in Belo HorizonteAddress Rua Sapucai No. 383, 4 Andar-Floresta, CEP-30150-904 Belo
Horizonte MG, Brazil
Phone (55-31) 3279-4473
Fax (55-31) 3279-4476
Email carlos.figueredo@cvrd.com.br
Indonesian Honorary Consulate General in Recife-PernambucoAddress R. Lemos Torres no. 95, Casa Forte, Recife-PE, CEP
52060-310 Pernambuco, Brazil
Phone (55-81) 3268-5163
Fax (55-81) 3228-4802
Email indoconsul@hotmail.com
Indonesian Honorary Consulate General in Rio de JaneiroAddress R. Garcia D'Avilla No. 99, 1 Andar, Ipanema, CEP-22421-010
Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil
Phone (55-21) 2259-8756
Fax (55-21) 2259-8756
Email consulado.indonesia@indonesia.org.br
Indonesian Honorary Consulate General in Sao PauloAddress Rua Boa Vista No. 133, 3° andar, conjuncto 3B Centro,
CEP-01014-000 Sao Paulo-SP, Brazil
Phone (55-11) 3105-2309
Fax (55-11) 3104-5398
Email paulocamiz@talset-el.com.br
Brunei DarussalamAddress Lot. 4498, Simpang 528, Kampung Sungai Hanching Baru, Jalan
Muara Bandar Seri Begawan BC 2115, Negara Brunei Darussalam (P.O.BOX
3013 BSB)
Phone (673) 233-0180
Fax (673) 233-0646
Email kbribsb@brunet.bn
www.indonesia.org.bnRepublic of BulgariaAddress 5, Yozef Valdhard Str.
(53, Simenovsko Shosse, Residence No. 4), 1700 Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone (359-2) 962-5240, 962-6170, 683-220
Fax (359-2) 962-4418, 962-5842
Email indosof@geobiz.net, kbrisofia@geobiz.net
www.indonesia.bgRepublic Burkina Faso (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Accredited to the Republic Burkina Faso )Address 5B, Anifowoshe Street, Victoria Island, P.O.BOX 3473,
Lagos, Nigeria
Phone (234-1) 261-4601, 261-3405
Fax (234-01) 261-3301, 261-3963
Email kbri_lagos@yahoo.co.id
www.indonesianig.comBurundi (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Tanzania and accredited to Burundi ) Address 299 Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, Dar Es Salaam, United Republic
of Tanzania (P.O.BOX 572)
Phone (25-22) 211-9119, 211-8133, 213-4375
Fax (25-22) 211-5850, 211-5849
Email kbridsm@raha.com
www.kbritanzania.comCambodiaAddress No. 1, Street 466 Corner Norodom Boulevard 90, Sangkat
Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkarmon (PO. Box 894), Phnom Penh, Kingdom of
Phone (855-23) 217-934, 216-148
Fax (855-23) 217-566
Email kukppenh@bigpond.com.kh
www.indonesia-phnompenh.orgCameroon (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Accredited to Republic of Cameroon )Address 5B, Anifowoshe Street, Victoria Island, P.O.BOX 3473,
Lagos, Nigeria
Phone (234-1) 261-4601, 261-3405
Fax (234-1) 261-3301, 261-3963
Email kbri_lagos@yahoo.co.id
www.indonesianig.comCanada EmbassyAddress 55 Park Dale Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1Y E5, Canada
Phone (1-613) 724-1100
Fax (1-613) 724-1105
Email ottawa@indonesia-ottawa.org
www.indonesia-ottawa.orgConsulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in TorontoAddress 129 Jarvis Street, Toronto, Ontario M5C 2H6, Canada
Phone (1-416) 360-4020
Fax (1-416) 360-4295
Email admin@indonesiatoronto.org
www.indonesiatoronto.orgConsulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in VancouverAddress 1630 Alberni Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6G 1A6
Phone (1-604) 682-8855
Fax (1-604) 662-8396
Email congen@indonesiavancouver.org
www.indonesiavancouver.orgCape Verde (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Nigeria and accredited to the Republic of Cape Verde )Address 5B, Anifowoshe Street, Victoria Islands (PO Box. 3473),
Abuja/Lagos, Nigeria
Phone (234-1) 261-4601, 261-3405
Fax (234-1) 261-3301, 261-3963
Email kbri_lagos@yahoo.co.id
www.indonesianig.comRepublic of Chile EmbassyAddress Av. Nueva Costanera 3318, Vitacura, (PO Box.
20-D), Santiago, Chile
Phone (56-2) 207-6266
Fax (56-2) 207-9901
Email kbristgo@mi-mail.cl
Indonesian Honorary Consulate in SantiagoAddress Agustinas 853 Officina 803, Santiago, Chile
Phone (56-2) 639-2133, 633-1255
Fax (56-2) 639-4321
People's Republic of China
EmbassyAddress Dong Zhi Men Wai Da Jie No.4 Chaoyang District, Beijing
100600, P.R. China
Phone (86-10) 6532-5486, 6532-5488
Fax (86-10) 6532-5368, 6532-5782
Email kombei@public3.bta.net.cn
www.indonesianembassy-china.comConsulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in HongkongAddress 127-129 Leighton Road, 6-8 Keswick Street, Causeway Bay
Hong Kong, P. R. China
Phone (852) 2890-4421 to 8
Fax (852) 2895-0139
Email kjrihkg@netvigator.com
www.kjrihkg.org.hkConsulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in GuangzhouAddress Dong Fang Hotel, West Bulding 2/F Rooms 1201 - 1223, 120
Liu Hua Road Guangdong, Guangzhou 510016, P.R. China
Phone (86-20) 8601 8772 - 8601 8790
Fax (86-20) 8601 9773 - 8601 8722
Republic of ColombiaAddress Carrera 11. no. 75 - 27/29, Bogota DC, Colombia
Phone (571) 217-2404, 211-9735
Fax (571) 326-2165
Email eindones@colomsat.net.co
www.indonesiabogota.org.coComoros (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Tanzania and accredited to Comoros )Address 299 Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, Dar Es Salaam, United Republic
of Tanzania (P.O.BOX 572)
Phone 25-22) 211-9119, 211-8133, 213-4375
Fax (25-22) 211-5850, 211-5849
Email kbridsm@raha.com
www.kbritanzania.comRepublic Congo (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Nigeria and accredited to the Republic of Congo )Address 5B, Anifowoshe Street, Victoria Islands (PO Box. 3473),
Abuja/Lagos, Nigeria
Phone (234-1) 261-4601, 261-3405
Fax (234-1) 261-3301, 261-3963
Email kbri_lagos@yahoo.co.id
www.indonesianig.comDemocratic Republic of Congo (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Senegal and accredited to the Democratic Republic of Congo )Address Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop, Fann Mermoz, a Côte de l'Enea,
Dakar, Senegal
(P.O.BOX 5859)
Phone (221) 825-7316, 824-0738
Fax (221) 825-5896
Email kbri@sentoo.sn
www.indonesia-senegal.orgCosta Rica (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Mexico and accredited to the Republic of Costa Rica )Address Calle Julio Verne No. 27, Colonial Polanco, Mexico
City 11560, Mexico
Phone (525) 280-5748, 280-6363, 280-6863, 280-3449
Fax (525) 280-7062
Email kbrimex@prodigy.net.mx
www.prodigyweb.net.mx/kelimutu/Republic of Croatia (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Hungary and accredited to Croatia ) Indonesian Honorary Consulate in ZagrebAddress Vlaska 83/II, 10000 Zagreb , Republic of Croatia
Phone (385-1) 461-1296, 461-0671
Fax (385-1) 461-1299
Email zlatko.katavic@zg.t-com.hr
Republic of CubaAddress 5ta Avenida # 1607 Miramar, La Habana, Cuba
Phone (53-7) 204-9963, 204-9618, 204-0046
Fax (53-7) 204-9617
Email indonhav@ceniai.inf.cu
Republic of Cyprus (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Italia and accredited to Cyprus ) EmbassyAddress Via Campania 53-55, Roma 00187, Italy
Phone (39-06) 420-0911
Fax (39-06) 488-0280
Email indorom@uni.net
www.indonesianembassy.itIndonesian Honorary Consulate General in NicosiaAddress 10, Plato Street - PO Box 27858 - 2433 Engomi Nicosia Cyprus
Phone (357-22) 351878
Fax (357-22) 357111
Czech RepublicAddress Nad Budankami II/7, 150 21 Praha 5, Czech Republic
Phone (420-2) 5721-4388 to 90
Fax (420-2) 5721-2105
Email informace@indonesian-embassy.cz
www.indoneske-velvyslanectvi.czRoyal Danish
EmbassyAddress Orehoj Alle 1, 2900 Hellerup, Copenhagen, Denmark
Phone (45) 3962-4422
Fax (45) 3962-4483
Email unitkomkph@kbricph.dk
www.kbricph.dkIndonesian Honorary Consulate General in CopenhagenAddress Sophienlundve J 6, 4300 Holbeak, Denmark
Phone (45-59) 446-700
Republic of Djibouti (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Accredited to The Republic Djibouti )Address Mekanissa Road Higher 23, Kebele 13, House No. 1816,
(P.O.Box 1004) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Phone (251-1) 712-104, 712-185
Fax (251-1) 710-873
Email kbriadis@telecom.net.et
www.indonesia-addis.org.etComenwealth of Dominica (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Venezuela and accredited to the Commonwealth Dominica )Address Avenida El Paseo, con Calle Maracaibo, Quinta "Indonesia",
Prados Del Este, Caracas 1080, Venezuela
Phone (58-212) 975-2291, 976-2725, 977-3173, 977-6853
Fax (58-212) 976-0550
Email kbricaracas1@yahoo.com
www.indocaracas.comRepublic of Ecuador (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Peru and accredited to Ecuador ) EmbassyAddress Avenida Las Flores 334-336 San Isidro, Lima 27, Peru
Phone (511) 222-0308, 222-0309, 222-2822
Fax (511) 222-2684
Email kbrilima@terra.com.pe
www.indonesia-peru.org.peIndonesian Honorary Consulate in GuayaquilAddress Victor Emilio Estrada #626 y Ficus, Ciudad de la Tedesa,
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Phone (59-34) 238-6362
Arab Republic of EgyptAddress 13, Aisha El Taimouria Street, Garden City, Cairo, Arab
Republic of Egypt
Phone (20-2) 794-7200, 794-7209, 792-5451, 792-5452, 794-7356
Fax (20-2) 796-2495
Email pwkcairo@access.com.eg
www.indocairo.orgEritrea ( Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Sudan and accredited to Eritrea )Address 84, Street 60, Block 12 El Reeyadh, (P.O.BOX 13374)
Khartoum, Sudan
Phone (249-11) 225-106
Fax (249-11) 225-528
Email kbri_khartoum@sudanmail.com
Estonia ( Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Finland and accredited to Estonia )Indonesian Honorary Consulate in Tallin
Address Komeedi 5 â?? 7, 10122 Tallin, Estonia
Phone (372-6) 450-788
Fax (372-6) 450-788
Federal Democratic Republic of EthiopiaAddress Mekanissa Road Higher 23, Kebele 13, House No. 1816, Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia (P.O.BOX 1004 ADDIS ABABA)
Phone (251-1) 712-104, 712-185
Fax (251-1) 710-873
Email kbriadis@telecom.net.et
www.indonesia-addis.org.etFijiAddress 6th Floor Ra Marama Building, 91 Gordon Street, Suva, Fiji
Islands (P.O.BOX 878 Suva)
Phone (679) 331-6697
Fax (679) 331-6696
Email kbrisuva@connect.com
Finland EmbassyAddress Kuusisaarentie 3, 00340 Helsinki, Finlandia
Phone (358-9) 477-0370
Fax (358-9) 458-2882
Email info@indonesian-embassy.fi
www.indonesian-embassy.fiIndonesian Honorary Consulate in HelsinkiAddress Saarihuhdantie 5, 00340 Helsinki, Finland
Phone (358-9) 682-1537
Fax (358-9) 682-1006
EmbassyAddress 47-49 rue Cortambert, 75116 Paris, France
Phone (33-1) 4503-0760
Fax (33-1) 4504-5032, 4072-7063
Email komparis@online.fr
Indonesian Consulate General in MarseilleAddress 25 Boulevard Carmagnole, 13008 Marseille, France
Phone (33-491) 230-160
Fax (33-491) 714-032
Email kjri-mar@indonesia-mrs.com
www.indonesia-mrs.comGabonese Republic (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Senegal and accredited to Gabon )Address Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop, BP. 5859, Dakar, Senegal
Phone (22-1) 825-7316, 824-0738
Fax (22-1) 825-5896
Email kbri@indonesia-senegal.org
www.indonesia-senegal.orgGambia (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Senegal and accredited to Gambia )Address Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop, BP. 5859, Dakar, Senegal
Phone (22-1) 825-7316, 824-0738
Fax (22-1) 825-5896
Email kbri@indonesia-senegal.org
www.indonesia-senegal.orgGeorgia (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Ukraine and accredited to Georgia )Address Ul Nagornaya 27B, Kyiv 04107, Ukraine
Phone (380-44) 206-5446, 206-5447, 206-5448, 211-7633
Fax (380-44) 206-5440
Email kbri@indo.ru.kiev.ua
www.kbri.kiev.uaFederal Republic of Germany EmbassyAddress Lehrter Strasse 16-17, 10557 Berlin, Germany
Phone (49-30) 478-070
Fax (49-30) 4473-7142
Email kbriberlin@t-online.de
Website www.kbri-berlin.de
Indonesian Consulate General in FrankfurtAddress Zeppelin Alle 23, Frankfurt am Main 60325, Germany
Phone (49-69) 247-0980
Fax (49-69) 2470-9840
Email kjriffm@kjriffm.de
Website www.indonesia-frankfurt.de
Indonesian Consulate General in HamburgAddress Bebelalle 15, Hamburg 22299, Germany
Phone (49-40) 512-071 to 3
Fax (49-40) 511-7531
Email KJRI.Hamburg@t-online.de
Website www.kjrihamburg.de
Indonesian Honorary Consulate in BremenAddress Zum Alten Speicher 11, 28759 Bremen, Germany
Phone (49-421) 660-4400, 660-4322
Fax (49-421) 660-4300
Indonesian Honorary Consulate in DuesseldorfAddress Flinger Richman 60, 40235 Düesseldorf, Germany
Phone (49-211) 9090-6333
Fax (49-211) 9090-6330
Indonesian Honorary Consulate in HannoverAddress Friedrichswall 10, 30159 Hannover, Germany
Phone (49-511) 361-2150
Fax (49-511) 361-8668
Indonesian Honorary Consulate in KielAddress Brauner Berg 15, 24159 Kiel, Germany
Phone (49-431) 394-021
Fax (49-431) 394-025
Indonesian Honorary Consulate in MuenchenAddress Widenmayer Strasse 24, München 80538, Germany
Phone (49-89) 294-609
Fax (49-89) 294-609
Indonesian Honorary Consulate in Baden-BadenAddress Medien Centrum Augusta Platz 8, 76530 Baden-Baden, Germany
Phone (49-7221) 366-666
Fax (49-7221) 38-822
Email office-kogel@media-control.de
Republic of Ghana (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Accredited to the Republic of Ghana )Address 5B, Anifowoshe Street, Victoria Island, P.O.BOX 3473,
Lagos, Nigeria
Phone (234-1) 261-4601, 261-3405
Fax (234-1) 261-3301, 261-3963
Email kbri_lagos@yahoo.co.id
Website www.indonesianig.com
Hellenic Republic EmbassyAddress 99, Marathonodromon Street, 154 52, Paleo Psychico, Athens,
Phone (30-210) 677-4692, 674-2345, 674-6418
Fax (30-210) 675-6955
Email indathgr@hol.gr
www.indonesia.grIndonesian Honorary Consulate in ThessalonikiAddress Arte Complex, 12 KM Thessaloniki-Polygyros, Athens, Greece
Phone (30-2310) 461-249, 465-820
Fax (30-2310) 461-367
Grenada (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Venezuela and accredited to Grenada )Address Avenida El Paseo, con Calle Maracaibo, Quinta "Indonesia",
Prados Del Este, Caracas 1080, Venezuela
Phone (58-212) 975-2291, 976-2725, 977-3173, 977-6853
Fax (58-212) 976-0550
Email kbricaracas1@yahoo.com
www.indocaracas.comRepublic of Guatemala (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Mexico and accredited to Guatemala )Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia in Guatemala City
Address 12 Calle 2-04 zona 9, Plaza del Sol of 206, Guatemala City,
Phone (502) 2360-4955, 2360-4965
Fax (502) 2331-2719
Email indonesia@intelnet.net.gt
The Indonesian EmbassyAddress Calle Julio Verne No. 27, Colonial Polanco, Mexico
City 11560, Mexico
Phone (525) 280-5748, 280-6363, 280-6863, 280-3449
Fax (525) 280-7062
Email kbrimex@prodigy.net.mx
Republic of Guinea (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Senegal and accredited to the Republic of Guinea )Address Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop, BP. 5859, Dakar, Senegal
Phone (22-1) 825-7316, 824-0738
Fax (22-1) 825-5896
Email kbri@indonesia-senegal.org
www.indonesia-senegal.orgGuinea-Bissau (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Senegal and accredited to Guinea-Bissau )Address Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop, BP. 5859, Dakar, Senegal
Phone (221) 825-7316, 824-0738
Fax (221) 825-5896
Email kbri@indonesia-senegal.org
www.indonesia-senegal.orgGuyana (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Suriname and accredited Guyana) Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia in George TownAddress c/o The Consultative Association of Guyanese Industry, Ltd.
157, Waterloostreet, George Town, Guyana
Phone (592) 226-4603, 225-7170, 225-4885
Fax (592) 227-0725
The Indonesian EmbassyAddress Van Brussellaan #3, Uitvlugt, Paramaribo, Suriname
Phone (597) 431-230, 413-171, 439-577
Fax (597) 498-234
Email indonemb@sr.net
Holy See Apostolic NunciatureAddress Via Marocco No. 10, 00144 Roma Eur, Italy
Phone (39-06) 5929-0049, 591-8610
Fax (39-06) 5422-1292
Email indonesia.vat@agora.stm.it
Republic of Honduras (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Mexico and accredited to the Republic of Honduras )Address Calle Julio Verne No. 27, Colonial Polanco, Mexico
City 11560, Mexico
Phone (525) 280-5748, 280-6363, 280-6863, 280-3449
Fax (525) 280-7062
Email kbrimex@prodigy.net.mx
www.prodigyweb.net.mx/kelimutu/Republic of HungaryAddress Varosligeti fasor 26, 1068 Budapest, Hungary
Phone (36-1) 413-3800 to 01
Fax (36-1) 322-8669
Email kbri@indonesia.hu
www.indonesia.huRepublic of Iceland (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Norway and accredited to the Republic of Iceland ) Indonesian Honorary Consulate in ReykjavikAddress Nordurljos Lynghals 5, P.O. Box 10110, 130 Reykjavik â??
Phone (354) 515-6000
Fax (354) 515-6860
India EmbassyAddress 50-A, Kautilya Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi- 110021, India
Phone (91-11) 2611-8642 to 46
Fax (91-11) 2687-4402, 2688-6763
Email iembassy@giasdl01.vsnl.net.in
www.indonesiaanembassy.org.inConsulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in MumbaiAddress 19, Altamount Road, Cumballa Hill, Mumbai 400 026, India
Phone (91-22) 2351-1678, 2353-0940, 2353-0900
Fax (91-22) 2351-0941, 2351-5862
Email kjrimumb@bom3.vsnl.net.in
www.kjrimumbai.netIndonesian Honorary Consulate in KolkataAddress 157, Jodhpur Park, Kolkata 700068, India
Phone (91-33) 2414-8681
Fax (91-33) 2473-2157
Email trivedi_mahesh@rediffmail.com
Indonesian Honorary Consulate in MadrasAddress 5, North Leith Castle Road, Santhome, Madras
(Chennai) 600028, India
Phone (91-44) 234-1095
Fax (91-44) 234-2582
Islamic Republic of IranAddress 210, Ghaemmagham Farahani Ave. (P.O.BOX 11365/4564),
Tehran, Iran
Phone (98-21) 8871-6865, 8871-7251, 8855-3655
Fax (98-21) 8871-8822
Email kbritehran@parsonline.net
www.indonesian-embassy.irRepublic of Ireland (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Kingdom and accredited to the Republic of Ireland ) Indonesian Honorary Consulate in DublinAddress 25 Kilvere, Rathfarnham, Dublin - 14, Ireland
Phone (353-852) 491-465
Fax (353-1) 406-1364
Email indonesianconsul@ireland.com
Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Italy and FAO, IFAD, WFPAddress Via Campania 53-55, Roma 00187, Italy
Phone (39-06) 420-0911
Fax (39-06) 488-0280
Email indorom@uni.net
www.indonesianembassy.itIndonesian Honorary Consulate in BariAddress Via Cognetti 31 - 70121 Bari, Italy
Phone (39-080) 523-7108
Fax (39-080) 573-0652
Email giuseppe.panaro@tin.it
Indonesian Honorary Consulate in GenovaAddress Via Roma 8, 16121 Genova, Italy
Phone (39-010) 640-4375
Fax (39-010) 640-4488
Email giampaolo.pitto@tin.it
Indonesian Honorary Consulate in MilanoAddress Piazza Risorgimento, 8 - 20129 - Milano
Phone (39-02) 7002 3203
Fax (39-02) 7104 0530
Email console@consolatoindonesia.com
Indonesian Honorary Consulate in NapoliAddress Via Cervantes 55/27, 80133 Napoli, Italy
Phone (39-081) 551-9694
Fax (39-081) 551-8529
Email consoleindonesia.napoli@cimair.it
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia in TriesteAddress Piazza San Giovanni 6, 34122, Trieste, Italy
Phone (39-040) 361-266
Fax (39-040) 766-300
Republic of Ivory Coast (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Senegal and accredited to theRepublic of Ivory Coast )Address Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop, BP. 5859, Dakar, Senegal
Phone (221) 825-7316, 824-0738
Fax (221) 825-5896
Email kbri@sentoo.sn
www.indonesia-senegal.orgJamaica (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Cuba and accredited to Jamaica )Address 5ta Avenida # 1607 Miramar, La Habana, Cuba
Phone (53-7) 204-9963, 204-9618, 204-0046
Fax (53-7) 204-9617
Email indonhav@ceniai.inf.cu
www.indohav.cuJapan EmbassyAddress 5-2-9 Highashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0022, Japan
Phone (81-3) 3441-4201
Fax (81-3) 3447-1697
Email indonembsatu@hpo.net
www.indonesian-embassy.or.jpConsulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in OsakaAddress Resona Semba Building 6th Floor, 4-4-21 Minami Semba
Chuo-ku, Osaka 542-0081, Japan
Phone (81-6) 6252-9826
Fax (81-6) 6252-9872
Email kjri-osaka@indonesia-osaka.org
www.indonesia-osaka.orgHonorary Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia in FukuokaAddress 1-23-35 Nanokawa Chome, Minami-ku, Fukuoka-Shi 815-0081,
Fukuoka, Japan
Phone (81-92) 523-1691
Fax (81-92) 524-3269
Email eura@kyudenko.co.jp
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia in SapporoAddress 3-1, Nishi 7 Chome, Odori, Chuo-ku, Sapporo-Shi, Hokaido 060-8530, Japan
Phone (81-11) 231-9511
Fax (81-11) 207-2103
Email prs@hokkaido-gas.co.jp
Hashemite Kingdom of JordanAddress 6th Circle, South Um-Uthaina, 44 Feisal bin Abdul Aziz Street, (P.O.BOX
811784 ), Amman 11181, Jordan
Phone (962-6) 552-8912, 552-1648, 551-3232
Fax (962-6) 552-8380
Email amman96@go.com.jo
www.geocities.com/kbri_ammanRepublic of Kazakhstan (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to the Uzbekistan and accredited to Kazakhstan )Address 73, Yahyo Gulomov Street, (P.O.BOX 210) Tashkent 700000,
Phone (998-71) 132-0236 to 38, 132-1276
Fax (998-71) 120-6540, 133-0513
Email tashkent@indonesia.embassy.uz
www.indonesia.embassy.uzEmbassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Kenya and Indonesian Mission to UNEP and UN-HabitatAddress Menengai Road, Upper Hill, (P.O.BOX 48868-00100) Nairobi,
Phone (254-20) 271-4196 to 98
Fax (254-20) 271-3475
Email indonbi@indonesia.or.ke
www.indonesia.or.keState of KuwaitAddress Kaifan Block 6, Al Andalus Street House No. 29, PO Box
21560, 13076 Safat, Kuwait
Phone (965) 483-9927, 483-9953
Fax (965) 481-9250
Email unitkom@kbrikuwait.org
www.kbrikuwait.orgKyrghyz Republic (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Uzbekistan and Accredited to Kyrgyzstan )Address 73, Yahyo Gulomov Street, Tashkent 700000, Uzbekistan
Phone (998-71) 132-0236 to 38
Fax (998-71) 120-6540, 133-0513
Email tashkent@indonesia.embassy.uz
www.indonesia.embassy.uzLao People's Democratic RepublicAddress Phone Kheng Road, Vientiane, Laos (Lao P.D.R.) (P.O.BOX 277)
Phone (856-21) 413-909, 413-910, 416-264
Fax (856-21) 214-828
Email kbrivte@laotel.com
Latvia (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Sweden and accredited to Latvia )Address Sysslomansgatan 18/1 (P.O.BOX 12520) 112 41 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone (46-8) 5455-5880
Fax (46-8) 650-8750
Email kbri@indonesiskaambassaden.se
www.indonesiskaambassaden.seLebanonAddress Presidential Palace Avenue, Rue 68 Sector 3, No. 3237
(P.O.BOX 4007) Baabda, Lebanon
Phone (961-5) 924-682, 924-683, 924-676
Fax (961-5) 924-678
Email indobey@cyberia.net.lb
www.indonesianembassy.netIndonesian Honorary Consulate in TripoliAddress Boulevard Street, Khlat Building, Tripoli, Lebanon
Phone (961-6) 433-913
the Kingdom of Lesotho (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to South Africa and accredited to the Kingdom of Lesotho )Address 949 Schoeman Street, Arcadia Hatfield 0028 Pretoria,
Republic of South Africa
Phone (27-12) 342-3350 to 4
Fax (27-12) 342-3369
Email indonemb@intekom.co.za
Liberia (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Nigeria and accredited to Liberia )Address 5B, Anifowoshe Street, Victoria Island, P.O.BOX 3473,
Lagos, Nigeria
Phone (234-1) 261-4601, 261-3405
Fax (234-1) 261-3301, 261-3963
Email kbri_lagos@yahoo.co.id
www.indonesianig.comPeople's Bureau of the Great Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab JamahiriyaAddress Hay Al Karamah, Qobri Taariq Al Sari', Amaama Al
Saraaj, (P.O.BOX 5921) Tripoli, Libya
Phone (218-21) 484-2067, 484-2843, 484-2844
Fax (218-21) 484-2069, 484-2075
Email tripoli.kbri@deplu.go.id
Liechtenstein (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Switzerland and accredited to Liechtenstein )Address Elfenauweg 51, Bern 3006, Switzerland (P.O.BOX 270, 3000 Bern)
Phone (41-31) 352-0983/84
Fax (41-31) 351-6765
Email kbribern@bgb.ch, kbri@indonesia-bern.org
www.indonesia-bern.orgRepublic of Lithuania (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Denmark and accredited to the Republic of Lithuania )Address Orehoj Alle 1, 2900 Hellerup, Copenhagen, Denmark
Phone (45) 3962-4422
Fax (45) 3962-4483
Email unitkomkph@kbricph.dk
www.kbricph.dkthe Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Belgium and accredited to Luxembourg )Indonesian Honorary Consulate in LuxembourgAddress Rue J.F. Kennedy L-7327, Steinsel, Grand Duche Luxembourg
Phone (352) 331-722
Fax (352) 331-725
Macedonia (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Hungary and accredited to Macedonia (FYROM) )Address Varosligeti fasor 26, 1068 Budapest, Hungary
Phone (36-1) 413-3800
Fax (36-1) 322-8669
Email kbri@indonesia.hu